Manorama Six Feet Under on Netflix: Date, Plot, & Reviews on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Manorama Six Feet Under is a crime movie directed by Navdeep Singh and created by Christopher Pike. This movie was originally released on Friday, September 21, 2007, and currently has a 7.6 rating on IMDb. Manorama Six Feet Under was produced by Shemaroo Entertainment, with a budget of $4 million and was initially released on September 21, 2007.

Is Manorama Six Feet Under on Netflix?

Yes, Manorama Six Feet Under is on Netflix. You can stream Manorama Six Feet Under on Netflix starting Sunday, September 27, 2020, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover all movies and series released on September 27th and find out what’s new on Netflix in September 2020.

Below you can view Manorama Six Feet Under plot, streaming info, reviews, and much more about the movie.

Netflix release date September 27, 2020 (USA)
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Abhay Deol, Gul Panag, Raima Sen and Sarika
Genre Crime
Rating Unrated

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Movie summary

Satyaveer accepts money from Manorama, wife of an irrigation minister, to collect evidence against her husband for having an extra-marital affair. He accepts, unaware that he too is being deceived.

Manorama Six Feet Under is a movie released in 2007. You can view the official website and Manorama Six Feet Under on Netflix for more information.


Manorama Six Feet Under is a crime movie with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and an IMDb audience rating of 7.6 (6,794 votes). The ratings are accurate at the time of writing and are not updated in real-time, but we continue to update Manorama Six Feet Under’s ratings frequently.

IMDb 7.6
RottenTomatoes N/A
MetaCritic N/A

Age Rating

Here is what parents need to know – Manorama Six Feet Under parental rating is Unrated.

Definitely check out what's new on Netflix in September 2020. You can also view Manorama Six Feet Under poster on the next page ⏭️.

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