Mr. Bean’s Holiday on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a comedy movie directed by Steve Bendelack. This movie was released on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, and currently has a 6.4 rating on IMDb.

Is Mr. Bean’s Holiday on Netflix?

Yes, Mr. Bean's Holiday is out now on Netflix. You can watch Mr. Bean’s Holiday starting Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on June 1st and see what’s new on Netflix in June 2022.

Below you can view Mr. Bean’s Holiday plot, streaming info, reviews, and more about the movie.

Release date Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Rowan Atkinson, Willem Dafoe, Steve Pemberton
Genre Comedy
Rating G

Tap to check the availability below.

Movie summary

Mr. Bean wins a trip to Cannes where he unwittingly separates a young boy from his father and must help the two reunite. On the way he discovers France, bicycling, and true love.

Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a movie released in 2007. You can view the official website and Mr. Bean’s Holiday on Netflix for more information.


Mr. Bean’s Holiday is a comedy movie with a 51% score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 6.4 (136,797 votes).

IMDb 6.4
RottenTomatoes 51%
MetaCritic 56

Age Rating

Here is what parents need to know – Mr. Bean’s Holiday parental rating is G. A G (General) content rating means that programming is appropriate for children of all ages. G and TV-Y are about equivalent ratings content-wise.

Don't miss what's coming to Netflix in June 2022. You can also view Mr. Bean’s Holiday poster on the next page ⏭️.

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