The Worst Witch on Netflix: Date, Plot, & Reviews on Netflix: Release Date & Details


The Worst Witch is a family series created by Jill Murphy. This series was initially released on Friday, July 26, 2019, and currently has a 7.4 rating on IMDb. The Worst Witch was produced by CBBC Productions, and ZDF and was initially released on July 26, 2019.

Is The Worst Witch on Netflix?

Yes, The Worst Witch is on Netflix. You can watch The Worst Witch on Netflix starting Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on October 1st and find out what’s new on Netflix in October 2020.

Below you can view The Worst Witch plot, streaming info, reviews, and much more about the series.

Netflix release date October 1, 2020 (USA)
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Raquel Cassidy, Jenny Richardson, Clare Higgins and Dagny Rollins
Genre Family
Rating TV-Y7

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Series summary

Mildred Hubble lives an ordinary life with her mum Julie, until the day that Maud Spellbody crashes her broomstick into their balcony and nothing is ever the same again. Maud introduces …

The Worst Witch is a series released in 2019. You can view the official website and The Worst Witch on Netflix for more information.


The Worst Witch is a family series with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and an IMDb audience rating of 7.4 (1,586 votes). The ratings are accurate at the time of writing and are not updated in real-time, but we continue to update The Worst Witch’s ratings frequently.

IMDb 7.4
RottenTomatoes N/A
MetaCritic N/A

Age Rating

Here is what parents should to know – The Worst Witch parental rating is TV-Y7. TV-Y7 indicates that programming is designed for children ages 7 and older. An additional rating, TV-Y7-FV, is used to indicate that a program contains “fantasy violence” that may be more intense or combative than other TV-Y7 programs.

Definitely check out what's new on Netflix in October 2020. You can also view The Worst Witch poster on the next page ⏭️.

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