Fleeing the family business and an arranged marriage, Santa's daughter chooses a magical adventure of her own: College. Santa Girl featuring Barry Bostwick, Jennifer...
Moments after he arrives in Spain for an antiterrorism summit, U.S. President Ashton is shot. Vantage Point featuring Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker,...
In this epic documentary, last-surviving veterans trace the history of a legendary fighter aircraft that dominated the air during the Battle of Britain. Spitfire:...
Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing teenage son. American Son...
An entrepreneur prone to partying and his estranged brother, a teacher resigned to a humdrum life, begin to bond under fragile circumstances. Euphoria featuring...
A gravity-defying boy raised in seclusion matures into an extraordinary man - and an international celebrity - who longs for human connection. The Man...