A Nightmare on Elm Street on Netflix: Release Date & Details


A Nightmare on Elm Street is a crime movie . This movie was released on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, and currently has a 5.2 rating on IMDb.

Is A Nightmare on Elm Street on Netflix?

Yes, A Nightmare on Elm Street is out now on Netflix. You can stream A Nightmare on Elm Street starting Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover all new series and films released on March 1st and check out what’s new on Netflix in March 2022.

Below you can view A Nightmare on Elm Street plot, streaming info, reviews, and more about the movie.

Release date Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner
Genre Crime
Rating R

Tap to check the availability below.

Movie summary

The spectre of a disfigured man haunts the children of the parents who murdered him, stalking and killing them in their dreams.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is a movie released in 2010. You can view the official website and A Nightmare on Elm Street on Netflix for more information.


A Nightmare on Elm Street is a crime movie with a 14% score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 5.2 (110,655 votes).

IMDb 5.2
RottenTomatoes 14%
MetaCritic 35

Age Rating

Here is what parents need to know – A Nightmare on Elm Street parental rating is R. An R (Restricted) content rating means anyone under 17 requires an accompanying parent or adult guardian. TV-MA and R are about equivalent ratings content-wise.

Definitely check out everything new on Netflix in March 2022. You can also view A Nightmare on Elm Street poster on the next page ⏭️.

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