An aspiring yet aimless actor takes over his ailing father's job as an ambulance driver, unwittingly getting involved in an organ-trafficking network. Sei featuring...
While investigating a bank robbery, a squad of overweight police officers undergoes rigorous training to shed pounds. Oversize Cops featuring Sarun Cinsuvapala, Nutjaree Horvejkul,...
In this affable yuppie comedy, Kate Reddy is a successful executive, wife and mom whose personal and professional lives hang in precarious balance. I...
In this unflinching biopic based on Mötley Crüe's best-selling book, four LA misfits navigate the monster highs and savage lows of music superstardom. The...
In near-future Paris, two brilliant siblings unveil a high-tech implant designed to pair up soul mates. But the beta test yields unwelcome surprises. Osmosis...
Equipped with crayons and his creativity, a boy with autism draws an imaginary world where his animal pals help him tackle real-life situations. Pablo...
Expecting to relax at their "vacation" cabin, two backwoods boys see their trip turn into a nightmare when they're accused of being psychotic killers....