Fifteen-year-old ballet dancer Lara faces physical and emotional hurdles as she prepares for gender confirmation surgery. Inspired by a true story. Girl featuring Victor...
When his son's mom runs afoul of Paris's criminal underworld, a thrill-seeking superbike racer begins moonlighting as a drug courier to clear her debt....
When a wealthy patriarch unexpectedly drops dead, his money-crazed family, friends and staff scramble for his billionaire fortune. Chief Daddy featuring Aiyeola Bisola, Dakore...
Staying at home doesn't mean sitting still for energetic Bo and her little dragon friend Dezzy, who embark on amazing adventures through movement. Bo...
Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual problem threatens to destroy their relationship. My...
While building a revolutionary machine outlined in his late father's journal, a recluse farmer becomes the guardian for his gifted six-year-old nephew. Tinker' featuring...
Seven years after vanishing from her home, a young woman returns with mysterious new abilities and recruits five strangers for a secret mission. The...