A ruthless businessman's mission to expose electoral fraud brings him into a heated and dangerous political conflict with two corrupt ministers. Sarkar featuring Joseph...
In late-1980s Texas, two best friends get involved in darkly comic misadventures by hiring themselves out to shady clients for illicit ends. Hap and...
A loving couple become rivals when Belle opens a fusion bistro next to her ex-boyfriend Kram's traditional restaurant in Bangkok's chic Ari district. Bangkok...
Years after getting his girlfriend pregnant, washed-up jock Vince meets his eccentric son Michael and learns about fatherhood, one show tune at a time....
Driven by revenge, human-turned-vampire Mia sets out to vanquish Dmitry, a ruthless vampire leader who seeks an artifact that grants immortality. Immortals featuring Elçin...
Feeling betrayed by their romantic partners' infidelity, Adrianne and Vince struggle to forgive while finding comfort with each other. The Love Affair featuring Dawn...
When a perfectionist ad exec experiences a romantic setback, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery that begins with a dramatic hair makeover. Nappily...
This anthology series dramatizes historic criminal cases in the U.S., including the O.J. Simpson trial and Andrew Cunanan's 1997 murder spree. American Crime Story:...