Following the death of his wife and daughter in a terrorist attack, an ex-Indian army commando agrees to infiltrate a terrorist cell. Contract featuring...
A father and son bond on an impromptu road trip over deep conversations, unexpected confessions, strange encounters ... and a drunken escapade. Dear Dad...
A ruthless businessman's mission to expose electoral fraud brings him into a heated and dangerous political conflict with two corrupt ministers. Sarkar featuring Joseph...
Set in an India-Pakistan border post, this satirical but thought-provoking comedy about war deals with serious events in a humorous manner. War Chhod Na...
A student's protest leads to a government scandal that has personal and professional repercussions for one of Australia's toughest journalists. Secret City featuring Anna...
Defining moments in Andrew Cunanan's life, starting in childhood, lead up to a 1997 murder spree that kills five, including fashion icon Gianni Versace....
High schooler Haruna befriends loner Yamada, then is drawn into the tangled relationship between him, a model and the girl who loves him unreasonably....
Sarah leaves her son in the Philippines to reunite with her husband in London, where she struggles personally and professionally as a care-home worker....
Cameras follow Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson as they take on the staggering challenge of free-climbing Yosemite's most formidable rock formation. The Dawn Wall...
Four individuals in modern India grapple with their identities amid social taboos, trauma and brutal sexual discrimination in this quartet of stories. I Am...