This true crime documentary series investigates cases where people convicted of murder claim their confessions were coerced, involuntary or false. The Confession Tapes featuring...
A man suffering from amnesia can't seem to choose between the women playing tricks on him. Bewildered Bolbol featuring Ahmed Helmy, Zeina, Sherry Adel,...
A young woman discovers that familial and psychological traumas can be difficult to leave behind. Unruly Friends featuring Kinda Allouch, Ahmed El-Saadany, Dina Fuad,...
An asylum patient's troubled past threatens his grasp on reality as fellow hospital residents begin disappearing at the hands of an unknown entity. Rakkhosh...
Determined to fight corruption in his country, a newspaper cartoonist debuts a new take-no-prisoners attitude. Three-Quarters Decent featuring Lamitta Frangieh, Mimi Gamal, Rania Mallah,...
On Chicago's South Side, hip-hop prodigy August Monroe navigates crippling anxiety and new creative frontiers with the help of an unlikely mentor. Beats featuring...
Glimpse into the brain's vast potential for memorization through the eyes of four competitive memory athletes as they share techniques and insights. Memory Games...
Political documentary and personal memoir collide in this exploration into the complex truth behind the unraveling of two Brazilian presidencies. The Edge of Democracy...
Frenetic comic Adam Devine talks teen awkwardness, celebrity encounters, his "Pitch Perfect" audition and more in a special from his hometown of Omaha. Adam...
Struggling to move on from a heartbreaking loss, Mikey is drawn into a dangerous underworld robbery orchestrated by his unreliable stepbrother Dale. Recall featuring...