When an aspiring knight crosses paths with a dragon, the two form an unlikely alliance in a high-stakes battle against a malicious sorcerer. Dragonheart...
After narrowly avoiding a fatal plane explosion, a group of seemingly lucky teen classmates finds that Death is not so easily cheated. Final Destination...
At Santa Claus's super-secret toy-making facility, Mr. Claus entrusts his son, Arthur, to carry out an ultra-important Christmas mission. Arthur Christmas featuring James McAvoy,...
Quirky inventor Caractacus Potts and his family travel in their magical flying car to Vulgaria, a kingdom strangely devoid of children. Chitty Chitty Bang...
After a signal is received from a long-missing spaceship, a rescue ship investigates, but the crew soon realizes something unimaginable has happened. Event Horizon...
The geriatric antics of Irving Zisman continue in this next installment of the Jackass franchise, which features unused footage from the first film. Bad...
The directors of Emmy-nominated "Lust Stories" (Zoya Akhtar, Anurag Kashyap, Dibakar Banerjee and Karan Johar) reunite for this quartet of thrillers. Ghost Stories featuring...
Forbidden love, fraying loyalties and flagrant hypocrisy emerge when sanctimonious politicians drive a madam's brothel from the heart of Hyderabad. Mandi featuring Shabana Azmi,...
A student diver risks her scholastic future and relationship with her father when she dates a moody transfer student consumed by their romance. Posesif...
An epidemiologist turns her nationwide bird flu investigation into a chance to sample local delicacies en route, with three friends along for the ride....