This animated adaptation of the quirky four-panel comic brings the random exploits of Popuko and Pipimi to life. Pop Team Epic featuring Tohru Adachi,...
After strong-willed widow Miss Daisy crashes her car, she reluctantly hires a chauffeur, and the two strike up an unexpected friendship. Driving Miss Daisy...
Will Smith stars as Hancock, a down-and-out superhero who's forced to employ a public relations expert to help repair his image. Hancock featuring Will...
After success spoils the division-winning Cleveland Indians, team owner Roger Dorn signs arrogant power hitter Jack to shake up the team. Major League II...
After descending upon Miami, Capt. Harris and a group of former academy misfits find themselves embroiled in a crime ring involving stolen gems. Police...
Baffled by a rash of high-stakes robberies, Wilson Heights district officials bring in Commandant Lassard and his band of blundering academy cohorts. Police Academy...
In his semi-autobiographical film debut, Prince plays a Minneapolis club musician who struggles with a tumultuous home life and his smoldering anger. Purple Rain...
This moving documentary profiles Sergio Vieira de Mello, the charismatic U.N. High Commissioner of Human Rights, who was killed by terrorists in Iraq. Sergio...