Middle schooler Nazuna desperately wants to run away with her classmate Norimichi, who somehow turns back time on this fateful summer's day. Fireworks featuring...
A frustrated novelist with money problems opens an unsanctioned senior center at his house to make quick cash and occupy his cumbersome father-in-law. Grand-Daddy...
Part-timer Carole meets rich girl Tuesday, and each realizes they've found the musical partner they need. Together, they just might make it. CAROLE &...
In this intimate documentary, former Uruguayan President José "Pepe" Mujica talks about lessons he learned while in prison, his ideals and the future. El...
In the near future, Russia initiates a "silk glove" invasion of Norway to restart oil production, but soon uncertainty, chaos and danger erupt. Occupied...
Six stand-ups explore the coarse and salacious side of comedy in this series of half-hour specials. For mature audiences. The Degenerates featuring Joey Diaz,...
This true-to-life action saga profiles Virginia's bootlegging Bondurant brothers, whose exploits during the Prohibition era made them outlaw heroes. Lawless featuring Shia LaBeouf, Tom...
A philandering small-town mechanic's political ambitions are sparked when the visiting prime minister mistakenly grants him special security clearance. Zed Plus featuring Vinod Acharya,...