A 10-year-old dreamer's imaginary friends - mighty Sharkboy and fire-producing Lavagirl - come to life to seek his help battling a nefarious baddie. The...
With humankind's future at stake, a group of scientists and a powerful telepath venture into the void aboard a spaceship full of secrets. Nightflyers...
Navigating creative pressures and personal upsets, French rapper Nekfeu sets out on a global quest for musical inspiration in this documentary. Wandering Stars featuring Nekfeu,...
From romantic pursuits to their friendship, a trio of young men navigate the complexities of relationships while sharing a London apartment. High End Yaariyan...
A young prosecutor is assigned a career-making case involving a colleague but soon starts to question the motivations behind the charges. Why Me? featuring...
Decades after Detroit singer-songwriter Rodriguez disappeared following the commercial failure of his albums, two fans try to track down their idol. Searching for Sugar...
On her 40th birthday, Tiffany Haddish drops a bombastic special studded with singing, dancing and raunchy reflections on her long road to womanhood. Tiffany...