Bread Barbershop on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Bread Barbershop is a animation series . This series was released on Saturday, August 28, 2021, and currently has a 8.7 rating on IMDb.

Is Bread Barbershop on Netflix?

Yes, Bread Barbershop is out now on Netflix. You can stream Bread Barbershop starting Saturday, August 28, 2021, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover all new series and films released on August 28th and find out what’s new on Netflix in August 2021.

Below you can view Bread Barbershop plot, streaming info, reviews, and more about the series.

Release date Saturday, August 28, 2021
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Marc Thompson, Elinor Vanderburg, Barrett Leddy, Courtney Shaw
Genre Animation
Rating TV-Y

Tap to check the availability below.

Series summary

In a town filled with food, Bread is a master cake decorator who gives life-changing makeovers that will put any customer in an amazing mood.

Bread Barbershop is a series released in 2020. You can view the official website and Bread Barbershop on Netflix for more information.


Bread Barbershop is a animation series with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 6.5 (260 votes).

IMDb 6.5
RottenTomatoes N/A
MetaCritic N/A

Age Rating

Here is what parents need to know – Bread Barbershop parental rating is TV-Y. A TV-Y content rating means that programming is appropriate for children of all ages. TV-Y and G are about equivalent ratings content-wise.

Be sure to check out what's new on Netflix in August 2021. You can also view Bread Barbershop poster on the next page ⏭️.

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