A young impoverished woman learns she's been predestined to change the fate of the universe after a genetically engineered hunter tracks her down. Jupiter...
Host Kevin McCloud presents people who take self-building houses to a new level, following every step of their ambitious plans from beginning to end....
After a rich politician's son kills a young woman's brother, an unlikely romantic connection complicates her pursuit of justice. Khaani featuring Sana Javed and...
Historical footage and interviews with soldiers showcase war stories, unique traditions and unifying principles of the Indian Army's various regiments. Regiment Diaries featuring ...
Following the death of her child, a grief-stricken woman struggles to find peace until a mysterious boy appears, claiming to be her reincarnated son....
While attending one of India's premier colleges, three miserable engineering students and best friends struggle to beat the school's draconian system. 3 Idiots featuring...
Imprisoned for underworld crimes she didn't commit, a vengeful woman breaks free and goes scorched earth on the smooth-talking suitor who framed her. Ek...
The relationship between a painter and his admirer unfolds as an abstract, twist-filled hide-and-seek game against the backdrop of murder and revenge. Manu featuring...
Helping an amputee grandmaster settle the score for his tragic past, a grieving detective unravels a conspiracy more complicated than he imagined. Wazir featuring...