A surgeon's carefully curated life edges toward disaster when a troubled teenage boy with mysterious motives begins to impose himself on his family. The...
In a city where super-powered people are ostracized, an earnest day laborer considers using his outlawed abilities for money to save his sick mother....
Two rival brothers must work together to keep their brewery in business, but shenanigans keep foaming up their company with chaos. Brews Brothers featuring...
Photographer Estevan Oriol and artist Mister Cartoon turned their Chicano roots into gritty art, impacting street culture, hip hop and beyond. LA Originals featuring...
Different versions of the same day unfold as Jack juggles difficult guests, unbridled chaos and potential romance at his sister's wedding. Love Wedding Repeat...
In one of the poorest areas of Paris, a school counselor devotes herself to working with disadvantaged students, while facing challenges of her own....
A young photographer becomes involved with a gifted 8-year-old artist's family - until he realizes something's not quite right. Catfish featuring Nev Schulman, Max...
Comedian Mauricio Meirelles explores his chaotic mind with scathingly funny views on family, prejudices, turtles and more in this stand-up special. Mauricio Meirelles: Generating...
Organized crime came to London in the 1930s, ushering in three decades ruled by two legendary gangsters whose legacy outlived their reign. Once Upon...
The Innocence Project unravels missteps and deceit in a series of wrongful convictions, exposing the injustice inflicted on victims and the accused. The Innocence...