10 Best Action Stars Hilarious Self-Deprecation: Unforgettable Moments in 2023

10 Best Action Stars Hilarious Self-Deprecation: Unforgettable Moments in 2023

Action stars are often perceived as unyielding and rugged, but here’s a delightful twist: some of them possess the incredible ability to poke fun at themselves! Prepare to be thoroughly entertained and captivated as these exceptional individuals effortlessly blend humor with their impressive butt-kicking moves on the silver screen. Get ready to witness the hilarity unfold while they deliver some serious action-packed awesomeness!

1. Jeffrey Dean Morgan Just Can’t Handle The Heat

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Just Can't Handle The Heat

2. It’s Always Pratt Or Pine And Never Hemsworth

It's Always Pratt Or Pine And Never Hemsworth

3. Keanu Reeves Thinks He Aged Out Of ‘Speed 3’

Keanu Reeves Thinks He Aged Out Of 'Speed 3'

4. Ryan Gosling Was A Good Sport After Harrison Ford Punched Him

Ryan Gosling Was A Good Sport After Harrison Ford Punched Him

5. Harrison Ford Just Wants To Do A Silly Comedy

Harrison Ford Just Wants To Do A Silly Comedy

6. The Honest Truth About The MCU Cast

The Honest Truth About The MCU Cast

7. Keanu Reeves’s Stage Name Was Almost Chuck Spadina

Keanu Reeves's Stage Name Was Almost Chuck Spadina

8. Chris Hemsworth Just Wants To Be As Successful As The Other Super Heroes

Chris Hemsworth Just Wants To Be As Successful As The Other Super Heroes

9. Tom Holland Had An Embarrassing Encounter With Madonna

Tom Holland Had An Embarrassing Encounter With Madonna

10. Norman Reedus Has Sensitive Eyes

Norman Reedus Has Sensitive Eyes

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