Disco Dancer on Netflix: Date, Plot, & Reviews on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Disco Dancer is a drama movie directed by Babbar Subhash and created by Mark Gatiss. This movie was initially released on Friday, December 10, 1982, and currently has a 6.4 rating on IMDb.

Is Disco Dancer on Netflix?

Yes, Disco Dancer is on Netflix. You can watch Disco Dancer on Netflix starting Sunday, October 11, 2020, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on October 11th and see what’s new on Netflix in October 2020.

Below you can view Disco Dancer plot, streaming info, reviews, and much more about the movie.

Netflix release date October 11, 2020 (USA)
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Mithun Chakraborty, Kim, Kalpana Iyer and Om Puri
Genre Drama
Rating PG-13

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Movie summary

Talented amateur singer after years of honest work became a famous professional, but an old enemy of his family is envy of his success.

Disco Dancer is a movie released in 1982. You can view the official website and Disco Dancer on Netflix for more information.


Disco Dancer is a drama movie with a N/A score on Rotten Tomatoes and an IMDb audience rating of 6.4 (1,094 votes). The ratings are accurate at the time of writing and are not updated in real-time, but we continue to update Disco Dancer’s ratings frequently.

IMDb 6.4
RottenTomatoes N/A
MetaCritic N/A

Age Rating

Here is what parents should to know – Disco Dancer parental rating is PG-13. A PG-13 content rating means parents should be strongly cautioned, as some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Don't forget to check out everything new on Netflix in October 2020. You can also view Disco Dancer poster on the next page ⏭️.

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