When aspiring singer Tori Vega joins the eccentric students at Hollywood Arts High, she struggles to fit in with the amazingly talented teens. Victorious...
An entrepreneur prone to partying and his estranged brother, a teacher resigned to a humdrum life, begin to bond under fragile circumstances. Euphoria featuring...
A gravity-defying boy raised in seclusion matures into an extraordinary man - and an international celebrity - who longs for human connection. The Man...
The residents of an isolated town look to revive their home's identity when a group of foreigners unexpectedly arrive, bringing culture shock with them....
With Christmas just around the corner, sisters Miranda and Lyla bring their families to their childhood home, where rivalries don't take a holiday. Christmas...
After the school principal gets pranked, a curious crew of preteen super sleuths tests their detective skills to solve an underwater ruse. The Massively...
In this epic documentary, last-surviving veterans trace the history of a legendary fighter aircraft that dominated the air during the Battle of Britain. Spitfire:...
Time passes and tension mounts in a Florida police station as an estranged interracial couple awaits news of their missing teenage son. American Son...