In this family film, never-dull third-grader Judy Moody embarks on a summer adventure with her brother, Stink, and always-up-for-fun Aunt Opal. Judy Moody and...
Beautiful executive assistant Zeina reluctantly teams up with the self-assured Tarek to chase down an elusive dollar bill worth $1 million. Dollar featuring Patrick...
Two classmates from elementary school reunite as next-door neighbors and discover their relationship was - and still is - defined by food. Let's Eat...
With the help of her neighbors, a divorced woman residing in a one-person-household apartment complex learns to balance living alone and eating well. Let's...
Possessed by the ghost of a lustful virgin, a timid assistant chef becomes confidently libidinous, drawing the attention of a haughty culinary star. Oh...
This compelling documentary follows the 2012 Steubenville, Ohio rape case, putting social media and high school football culture in the spotlight. Roll Red Roll...