Starsky & Hutch on Netflix: Date, Plot, & Reviews on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Starsky & Hutch is a movie directed by Todd Phillips. The movie stars Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg and Fred Williamson. This comedy movie was originally released on Friday, March 5, 2004 and currently has 6.1 rating on IMDb.

Is Starsky & Hutch on Netflix?

Yes, Starsky & Hutch is on Netflix. You can stream Starsky & Hutch on Netflix starting Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on July 1st and what’s new on Netflix in July 2020.

Below you can view Starsky & Hutch plot, streaming info, reviews, trailer, and much more about the movie.

Netflix release date July 1, 2020
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg and Fred Williamson
Genre Comedy
Rating PG-13

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Movie summary

Two streetwise cops bust criminals in their red and white Ford Gran Torino, with the help of a police snitch called “Huggy Bear”.

Starsky & Hutch is a movie released in 2004. For more information you can view the official website and also Starsky & Hutch on Netflix.


Watch Starsky & Hutch trailer below to get you excited for the release.


Starsky & Hutch is a comedy movie with a 63% score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 6.1 (136,955 votes). The ratings are accurate at the time of writing and are not updated in real-time, but we continue to update Starsky & Hutch’s ratings frequently.

IMDb 6.1
RottenTomatoes 63%
MetaCritic 55

Parental Rating

Here is what parents need to know – Starsky & Hutch parental rating is PG-13. A PG-13 content rating means parents should be strongly cautioned, as some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

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