Traumatized, violent and yearning for love, 9-year-old Benni bonds with a gruff mentor as child-services workers struggle to find her a home. System Crasher...
Pious detective Neil Howie gets more than he bargained for when he probes a young girl's disappearance in this harrowing psychological thriller. The Wicker...
Sent to cover the annual ritual of groundhog Punxsutawney Phil, a self-centered TV weatherman mysteriously begins living the same day again and again. Groundhog...
From the death of romance in marriage to the injustices of modern-day parenting, Amit Tandon shares wisdom and wisecracks as a battle-scarred family guy....
After accepting an invitation from a mysterious trainer, Ash, Misty and Brock meet Mewtwo, an artificially created Pokémon who wants to do battle. Pokémon:...