A rebellious daughter accompanies her mother on a medical mission where she falls for the handsome politician's son assigned to be her chaperone. Crazy...
Immortal renegade Philly the Kid and his transforming pink Cadillac join a relentlessly upbeat friendship droid on her quest to find a missing prince....
An aspiring pilot fights for her future - and justice - after surviving an acid attack from her abusive boyfriend. Uyare featuring Parvathy Thiruvothu,...
The Philippine jail known for a viral Michael Jackson dance video comes under the management of an ex-convict, sparking controversy and criticism. Happy Jail...
This documentary follows the controversy surrounding the 2010 murders of two students, who were framed as criminals and killed by the Mexican military. Hasta...
Fifteen years after the Crusades ended in defeat, a veteran knight becomes master of his order's Paris temple and discovers a shocking secret. Knightfall...
For the 50th anniversary of the legendary Woodstock festival, organizers and attendees reminisce about one of the defining moments of the 1960s. Woodstock featuring...
As Metropolis High students, super teens Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Bumblebee, Batgirl, Zatanna, and Green Lantern fight crime, classwork and crushes. DC Super Hero Girls...
A couple's caustic, increasingly jarring interactions over a Mumbai evening strain their relationship until it threatens to break at its fraying seams. Jaoon Kahan...