Saving Private Ryan on Netflix: Release Date & Details


Saving Private Ryan is a drama movie . This movie was released on Friday, April 1, 2022, and currently has a 8.6 rating on IMDb.

Is Saving Private Ryan on Netflix?

Yes, Saving Private Ryan is out now on Netflix. You can stream Saving Private Ryan starting Friday, April 1, 2022, at 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. Discover everything released on April 1st and find out what’s new on Netflix in April 2022.

Below you can view Saving Private Ryan plot, streaming info, reviews, and more about the movie.

Release date Friday, April 1, 2022
Time 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT
Stream Netflix
Starring Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore
Genre Drama
Rating R

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Movie summary

Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action.

Saving Private Ryan is a movie released in 1998. You can view the official website and Saving Private Ryan on Netflix for more information.


Saving Private Ryan is a drama movie with a 94% score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 8.6 (1,547,314 votes).

IMDb 8.6
RottenTomatoes 94%
MetaCritic 91

Age Rating

Here is what parents need to know – Saving Private Ryan parental rating is R. An R (Restricted) content rating means anyone under 17 requires an accompanying parent or adult guardian. TV-MA and R are about equivalent ratings content-wise.

Be sure to check out everything new on Netflix in April 2022. You can also view Saving Private Ryan poster on the next page ⏭️.

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