Three teens spend their Halloween trying to stop a magical book, which brings characters from the "Goosebumps" novels to life. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween...
A group of weary warriors transport a suspected witch believed to be responsible for spreading the devastating Black Plague. Season of the Witch featuring...
Haunted by eerie visions and sinister impulses after a heart transplant, a teenager tries to unmask the truth behind her donor's mysterious death. Chambers...
This reality series follows the lives of a group of wealthy, successful Latina women in Los Angeles. Rica, Famosa, Latina featuring Victoria del Rosal,...
Single coworkers at a radio station are brought together by mutual friends, but their starry-eyed notions about love may scuttle their romance. Love Station...
A fatal shipwreck spurs an islander innkeeper and her sister to recover the missing victims' bodies - until the dead come seeking shelter themselves....