When Tim learns that the men in his family can travel in time and change their own lives, he decides to go back and win the woman of his dreams. About Time featuring Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Lydia Wilson, and Lindsay Duncan is streaming on Netflix starting Tuesday, April 16, 2019. The movie is directed by Richard Curtis.
Netflix release date | Tuesday, April 16, 2019 |
Time | 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT |
Stream | Netflix |
Starring | Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Lydia Wilson, and Lindsay Duncan |
Genre | Comedy |
Rating | R |
About Time is a comedy movie with a 71% score on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb audience rating of 7.8 (408,360 votes).
IMDb | 7.8 |
RottenTomatoes | 71% |
MetaCritic | 55 |
Parental Rating
Here is what parents to know – About Time parental rating is R. An R (Restricted) content rating means anyone under 17 requires an accompanying parent or adult guardian. TV-MA and R are about equivalent ratings content-wise.
Watch About Time trailer below to get you pumped for the release.
You can view the Netflix’s About Time official page. Be sure to check out all of the new releases coming to Netflix in April 2019.